Following the blockbuster success of ‘Kalki 2898 AD’, superstar Prabhas is set to embark on his next cinematic journey with ‘Fauji’, a period drama directed by Hanu Raghavapudi. The film, set in the pre-Independence era of India, promises to be a captivating period-action drama intertwined with a distinctive love story.
While the film’s storyline has been kept under wraps, rumours are swirling about the casting choices. Initially, Mrunal Thakur was rumoured to be taking the female lead. However, recent buzz suggests that Pakistani actress Sajal Aly is now being considered for the role. The interest in casting a pan-Asian actress like Sajal Aly could be linked to reports that Prabhas might portray a British soldier, adding a unique dimension to the film’s narrative.
‘Fauji’ is slated to begin filming in September, with production teams already working on creating authentic sets and costumes to depict the pre-Independence era accurately.
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