Amitabh Bachchan recently shared a cryptic post following rumours of a rift within the Bachchan family, sparked by Aishwarya Rai Bachchan attending the Ambani wedding separately.
Speculation has been rife that Aishwarya and Abhishek Bachchan are on the brink of separation. This buzz intensified when Aishwarya and her daughter, Aaradhya, attended the pre-wedding festivities together, while the rest of the Bachchan clan, including Amitabh, Jaya, Abhishek, Shweta Nanda, Nikhil Nanda, and their children Navya and Agastya, made their own separate appearance.
In a reflective blog post, Amitabh Bachchan wrote, “Back from a glorious wedding and the feeling after a very long time of public exposure, the wealth of love and affection that I can possibly think of with so many old acquaintances. They seemed to have changed in their physiognomy, but extremely sincere in their affection towards the association and the love of our times well spent together.”
He continued, “This is what life is all about. The associations and love and care. It is strange how the little things that matter to each other remain, but those that had a deeper association or meaningful spent time, are lost and forgotten. Well, not really forgotten, but kept on the back burner and remembered or brought out only when there is required meaning of the association.”